Archive | October, 2009

New and Newerer (Alex’s Title)

30 Oct

Alex decided he wanted to participate in the blogging process. We’ll see how long this lasts. 🙂 For today’s post, we’ll be commenting on each post from both points of view . . .

House Update:

So I wanted to post a few before/after/in progress of our house updates. Out most recent project is our bedroom. Last week I visited Kathleen,  aka Paint Lady Extraordinaire, of Northside Home Interiors in Roswell with the bedding I picked out. This bedding literally took a year for me to find and after lots of searching Bloomingdale’s won me over.

Working with Kathleen is very much an experience. You have to have a lot of time, as she’s slammed, and just patience in general. But she creates four or five different options that include an accent wall, ceiling, trim, or wall color. After taking home a few options we picked out a palate and bit the bullet. A few befores to jog your memory: 

 Master Bed 2 Master Bed 1 Closets Before

And after:

House, etc. 041House, etc. 040

and my elfa’d out closets!!!!! look at my shoe rack!!!!

House, etc. 042

 House, etc. 043

We’ve still got a lot of work to do – crown molding, chest of drawers, floor length mirror, light fixture, headboard, blinds – but things are slowly but surely progressing.

Alex’s View: I like it also.

so i’m inconsistent . . .

27 Oct

unfortunatly (or maybe fortunately for my personal sanity) i’m not traveling to as many cool places as i did a few years ago. so i’m changing from a straight travel blog to a whattheheckiskatedoing blog. 🙂 i’ll include updates on the house, random side notes, and personal favorites instead.